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As both the Journey for the West along with the Romance of the A few Kingdoms have now been treated in greater depth in other site entries In this particular collection I will not likely go into excellent depth in their description.



Zato i likove koji su dekadentni, skloni spletkama začas zamrzimo, ali začas i stanemo na stranu tog zlog bića pa se sažalimo u novoj nesreći izazvanoj nekog jačeg, moćnijeg...​Jer sve je baš tako i u realnom svetu.

It is also true the novel is much more than about sex. The whole novel is premised with a “karma” topic: that retribution are going to be exacted on people that embrace lust, greed and undertaking harm to Many others.

The immense novel also operates powerfully on the symbolic spiritual level with the opening chapter, from which the choice title "The Story of your Stone" derives, actually made up of the entire novel condensed into symbolic variety. Pursuing historical Chinese Taoist and Buddhist myth, a stone rejected by a goddess who was repairing the sky is picked up by a Buddhist monk along with a Daoist priest and taken to the whole world of the mortals, to generally be found eons later by another Daoist with the Tale of its worldly forefated working experience inscribed upon it. Unfit for your pure unadulterated lifestyle and situation of heaven, the stone is forefated to suffer birth and death in mortal life down below, nonetheless also tragically retains alloyed within alone the divine material of heaven. Before the stone enters on mortal lifestyle and destiny, nevertheless, it, like the "Minimal Prince" of Exuperay, tenderly waters with sweet dew a lovely flower not of this earth, who consequently incurs a karmic debt toward the stone, which has to be repaid within the mortal planet of human lifestyle.

"The Students" created in 1750 by Wu Jingzi throughout the Qing Dynasty describes and often satirizes Chinese Students in the vernacular Chinese idiom. The initial and previous chapters portray intellectual recluses, but the vast majority of loosely-linked tales that variety the majority in the novel are didactic and satiric tales, about the 1 hand admiring idealistic Confucian behavior, but on the opposite ridiculing above-bold scholars and criticizing the civil company evaluation method, describing the officers and orthodox Students who achieve the method as senseless conformists and mental ciphers whose information seldom exceeds the "Cliff Notes" and cram course Examination fakery of the moments, exemplified by the rote mechanical guidebooks to your "Eight-Legged Essay" to the Imperial Assessment.

Ideja karme kao ideja mogućnosti iskupljivanja na određeni način, oličena je u činjenici da Ximen Qing-ov jedini sin, koji je rođen prilikom njegove smrti, na izvestan način postaje karmička zamena, odnosno karmičko iskupljenje za sopstvenog oca. U romanu se pominje stara izreka da jedan duhovnik u porodici, tj. budistički monah, iskupljuje nine predaka.

Ono što je tek u novije vreme počelo da se prepoznaje jeste da kineska književnost ovim delom beleži tranziciju sa tematske preokupiranosti romanopisaca istorijskom legendom ili fantazijom na ljudske likove u jednom buržoaskom okruženju, koji su u svakom mogućem smislu lišeni herojstva, veličine i potpuno su realistički ogoljeni sa svim svojim slabostima i nedostacima. To je zapravo predstavljalo mnogo veću bojazan za onoga ko je bio zadužen za cenzuru nego sami erotski elementi, što se može uočiti nakon poređenja sa temama iz romana „Hodočašće na Zapad”, „Tri kraljevstva” i „Odmetnici iz močvare”, gde postoji pregršt epskih i natprirodni elemenata.

.. Don Quixote and also other non-English masterpieces of a particular age. To which we at Silk Pagoda reply: considering that Jin Ping Mei concerns us as Component of a literary cycle (Outlaws of your Marsh) and is particularly mainly a fin de siecle romance with adultery as essential concept, the reserve it best compares to is certainly Mort d'Arthur, and Jin Ping Mei's author must be celebrated for, not like Mallory, suffering from lifetime exterior jail walls.

For just a fuller dialogue from the principle of Earth Literature that you are invited to consider the extended discussion in the new guide Spiritus Mundi, by Robert Sheppard, one of several principal themes of which can be the emergence and evolution of Entire world Literature:

Sluškinja Chun Mei („Prolećna Šljiva”) je veoma interesantan lik. Ona isprva trpi nepravde, a čak nemamo ni previše uvoda u njene psihološke porive ili promene, i znamo samo da se ponaša kao podređena služavka Zlatnog Lotosa. Onog trenutka kad pod određenim okolnostima dođe u životnu situaciju gde je ona u stanju da više ne trpi nepravde, već da se zapravo nadređeno odnosi prema ljudima oko sebe, Prolećna Šljiva postaje kopija svog ugnjetavača Pan Jinlian.

Instead, the novel honors the to some degree bohemian and counter-cultural intellectual circles around the fringe of Formal read more society frequented by actors, poets, artists, bibliophiles along with the real scholars of the center who despise the Formal poseurs and For that reason lead insecure lives and put up with fiscal drop. Marketing naturalistic attitudes over perception within the supernatural, the author rejects the favored belief in retribution: his undesirable people endure no punishment.

Kada se radi o ženi u kineskom društvu onda to povlači posebne konotacije budući da opet dolazimo do tog osnovnog konfucijanskog konteksta, premda je on u celini gledano, predstavljao neku vrstu hijerarhijskog priručnika koji omogućava funkcionisanje društva. Uloga žene je bila posebno deskriminisana u kontekstu konfucijanske etike. Pre svega, žena je morala da se vodi doktrinom sancong (三从 sān cóng – trostruka poslušnost), odnosno poslušnošću prema ocu, mužu i sinu. Žena bi i nakon smrti muža bila direktno podređena sinu koji postaje glava porodice. Sa druge strane, ženi je bio onemogućen pristup čitavom nizu društvenih, a kasnije i službeničkih aktivnosti. Naravno, postoje određeni izuzeci kao što je Li Qinzhao iz dinastije Music koja je opet, zahvaljujući sopstvenim ekonomskim sposobnostima, uspela da ostane zapamćena kao žena relativno samostalnog načina razmišljanja i pisac čitavog niza umetnički vrednih poetskih dela. Iako imamo takve slučajeve u kasnijem razdoblju kineske književnosti, zapravo su najslobodnije, najnezavisnije bile žene koje su u potpunosti kršile rigidni kodeks ponašanja koji je bio nametnut konfucijanskim pravilima. Što se tiče seksualne politike na koju nas roman upućuje, to je nešto na šta nikako ne smemo gledati sa podrugivanjem, već kao na aspekt korpusa daoističko-budističkog načina razmišljanja koji je pre svega imao duhovnu ulogu.

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